Happiness is Leftovers and the Olympics

It's amazing how accomplished I feel when I get the leftovers of a meal safely tucked away (and labeled) in the freezer for a later date. I think I've done that the past two or three dinners, and I'm thrilled. I think because I'm still not crazy about figuring out meals for two, it adds to my happiness to think, “Yay, that's one night I don't have to do anything, but pull X meal out of the freezer. It's a win-win. I'm happy about the dinner we just finished, and I get to enjoy it all over again another day. The downside is that I actually have to remember that I have all these meals collecting in the freezer. So, if I can get into the habit of remembering to eat one or two of the saved meals each week or every other week, dinners/dinner making might not seem like such a drag. Maybe. We'll see.

On another note, I had decided that I wasn't going to be watching the Olympics this time. I'm a Summer Olympics fan, so I'm going to sit this one out. Yep. That lasted until 10 minutes into the Opening Ceremonies. I blame Twitter. If I had not gotten drawn in by the stories I heard earlier that day, I might have been able to resist checking in on the initial celebration. So, now I not only have favorites, I have a strong desire to follow in Mary Carrillo's foot steps and take the Trans-Siberian Railroad to Vladivostok. I may even want to meet the “wonderful” people of Siberia, like Father Frost. I mentioned this to my friends Sue and Roberta at lunch today. They both noted how many nice train ride options there are in this country. “But, the views from the Russian train sound amazing,” I exclaim. “Well, we have beautiful views here, too,” they tell me. John was no help. When I told him about our conversation, he says, ” Yeah, they're right. There are lots of places we should see her before going to Russia.” So, looks like I'm on my own for the Russian train ride. Maybe I can be Mary Carrillo's back up for the next Olympics. She may be ready for a break.


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